Executive Director

Pamela Draper


Anthony M. Condoluci-Smith

Administrative Assistant

Cathy Hill


Click here for the Bylaws of the Newark Arts Alliance
last updated September 18, 2017.

Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes are kept at each Board Meeting and at October’s Annual Member’s Meeting.  The Minutes are filed in the office at the Newark Arts Alliance.  They may be viewed at any time during regular hours.

Please note:  At each Board Meeting, the Board votes to approve the Minutes from the previous month, pending revisions, and pending a quorum. The Minutes are not filed in the office until they have been approved.

Board of Directors

Karen Yarnall, President
Carol Post, Vice President
Robert James, Treasurer
Wendi Jacobs, Secretary
Alexa Chester
Mike Podolak
Denise VanDeroef
Merie Daniel Perry

Join our Board of Directors!

The Newark Arts Alliance is actively seeking interested community members to join our board. We currently have openings for at-large members. If you’d like to learn more about serving on our board, please visit our Volunteer Opportunities page for more information. To get a board application, click on this link: BOARD APPLICATION.

Questions? Please contact Karen Yarnall, NAA Board President, at karenryarnall@gmail.com.